Gustavo and YOLA alumna Liliana Morales speak at NAMM Grand Rally for Music Education
On January 22, 2021, the NAMM Foundation Grand Rally for Music Education celebrated the enduring joys and benefits of music education now and in all times and a shared commitment to advocate for music education. Gustavo and Liliana Morales, microbiology and sociology student at the University of California San Diego and alumna of YOLA (Youth Orchestra LA), joined NAMM Foundation President Mary Luehrsen to share their personal and professional journeys, perspectives on the importance of music during this time of the pandemic, music’s role in addressing social justice, and why music education is a fundamental right for all children.
Gustavo and Liliana begin the conversation at 25:32.
Annually, the Grand Rally is part of week long of activities unifying and supporting the people who bring music to the world at Believe in Music week.
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