Gustavo delivers Vision Talk at IDB “Healing A Broken World” Summit
Listen to Gustavo’s complete remarks.
“Culture must be part of the post-pandemic recovery. As stated by Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, ‘the upcoming recovery will determine who we will be in the years to come. Culture cannot be forgotten in national plans, because there will be no economic recovery without culture.’ Indeed, art and culture cannot be forgotten in this stage of recovery. Given a crisis, artists are usually the first responders. They imagine visionary changes for society and help in the healing of our communities. That is what we have seen throughout the present historical pandemic. The vision of artists may inspire innovative ways to channel our communities into greater levels of collaborative social participation, and of inclusive economic and cultural growth, from now on. Such moments of crisis are also moments of opportunity, of collective re-imagining. We need to listen to our region’s creative people, voice culture, and arts in the present recovery, after the historical trauma that our region and the world have gone through. It is the moment to repair, heal, and inspire our communities. I want to invite you to keep on inspiring us and to re-imagine together a future that is more just, inclusive, and peaceful, through the power of art and culture.”
–Gustavo Dudamel, IDB “Healing A Broken World” Summit Address, April 2021
IDB “Healing A Broken World” Summit Addresses How Arts and Culture Aid in Post-Pandemic Recovery
On April 22 & 23, 2021, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) brought together leaders in arts, culture, and financial development for a virtual summit, Healing a Broken World, to address how the arts can aid in the post-pandemic recovery of Latin-American and Caribbean countries.
Gustavo gave a “Vision Talk” titled Framing a Future of Change Through Culture. Additionally, five artists and creative collectives in Latin America and the Caribbean were specially commissioned to premiere new works.
For more information about the summit, visit: